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New features and new characteristics of digital mixer

Release Date:[2013/8/31 11:29:47]    Total read [1539] Times

Compared with digital mixer as analog mixer, analog mixer is conventional mixers, so they don't emphasize to simulate two words directly called mixer. Digital mixer is the development of digital technology used in the mixer, the mixer is the essence and the universal, the figure is its characteristic, so the digital mixer on the design completely equivalent to the conventional mixer, but as a result of digital technology used in the mixer, the digital mixer on the performance standards are higher, more flexible in terms of the realization of the function of normal, and digital mixer with some analog mixer cannot be achieved by the new features and the processing method.
In summary the digital mixer has the following some unique functions and features:
1, the increase of audio processing link unit
Some digital mixer in its shunt and/or total way of setting the time delay (device), pressure limit (device), and other units, such as setting is general analog mixer cannot achieve, is equal to the increased a lot of peripheral devices access from the mixer of the broken socket, making sound system configuration, functions more briefly.
2, audio processing database of link function
In equilibrium, pressure limit, in effect, such as audio processing link has many existing according to the different audio source, occasion and standards set by the signal features processing pattern program available for calls. A way, although this is similar to fool camera should not be copied completely, because different program and site always has its particularity, can't be absolutely the same, but the processing pattern, after all, provides a general approach can be adjusted on the basis of this. In addition, database is equivalent to the role of textbooks and the materials that provide the parameters of all kinds of processing mode.
3, the tuning parts of memory storage
In local, limit equilibrium, the pressure, the effect of internal link has certain space for the user program, available for storage of all types of users to adjust processing parameters; In general, some digital mixer has a Scene (Scene) memory stored program space, can be used to store including balance, pressure limit, the effect of machines and the branch level, total electricity equal the current state of the various parameters, and so on some fixed shows often performance tuning can have a relatively stable standard. Also has a digital mixer in the two storage compartment can push and/or total push set points in two different scenarios position moving time of the conversion, which can produce the result that fade in and fade out automatically.
4, mixer internal links of the combination of flexible exchange
This kind of function in different mixer has bigger, but all is to implement the flexible use of digital signal processing methods. Such as level indicates the change point, exchange of two input signal pathway, direct marshalling and push mute marshalling, tuning control state of a branch to other branch of copy, etc.

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