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The characteristics of the power amplifier in Europe and the United States

Release Date:[2013/8/31 11:30:31]    Total read [1796] Times

Different regions produce borne power amplifier has a different voice characteristics, of the best product in a foreign country, especially the differences in performance. Due to the current domestic audio can see outside production borne power amplifier on the market basically produced by European and American countries and Japan. Therefore, to understand and master the region produces sound style of borne power amplifier, there is no doubt to the choose and buy of borne power amplifier will help.

The characteristics of European and American borne power amplifier

In the history of the development of borne power amplifier, McLntosh (McIntosh), Ma Lanshi (Marantz) used to be an excellent representative of early American products. Due to the UC, NEMA, NEC, three big industry standard specification, the produce of borne power amplifier have some guarantee on quality. Have you noticed the '50 s McLntosh has produced some of the products can work normally, Ma Lanshi Mode7, Mode8 (B), Mode9 still flock for a fever.

In the 70 s, due to the rise of Japanese products audio market in the world and domestic processing costs rising, not only make advocate handmade and small-scale production of some American companies have closed down or merged, even McLntosh, Fisher and Ma Lanshi these famous manufacturers are also not immune, Ma Lanshi philips acquired by Japan now, Fisher by Japanese sanyo, MaiJing drawings (Aiwa) have to accept a love China. However, as the economy improves and Jeff Rowland, Mark Levinson, Krell, such as the emergence of the company, the United States' borne power amplifier can basically keep the original features.

In general, the production of high-grade borne power amplifier quality first-class, the performance of a sound is pay attention to the width and depth of the sound field, at the same time, their energy is enough, can easily cope with the produce of various types of speakers from all over the world, and generally speaking, the price is high, the large size, good quality, good sound musical is the product of the significant characteristics of borne power amplifier, like the MC1000 McLntosh, MC500, C40, Mrak Levinson of No. 333 l, No. 33 l, Jeff Lowland Mode l8 T, Mode l19T and Krell Model300, Mode l600 behemoth, is an excellent representative of the United States now released borne power amplifier.

European borne power amplifier in Britain, the Netherlands, Germany, France and other countries of the product. Borne power amplifier of British production due to the cultural factors, mostly showed a good at interpretation (promotional products main products) classical music tendency, the tendency to make it in the beginning of the sound of the cold digital, to popular, some of which have traditional LP turntable, warm and soft tone borne power amplifier is the praise of the fans, the media. No wonder people say that, if want to low price to buy a voice music feeling borne power amplifier, so the goods may be the only choice. More common in China and have some impact on the UK brands are: Link, Quad, Naim, music fax (himself to Fidelity), ya jun (Arcam), etc., in the medium and low price, music fax A1, A2, Elektra E10, ya jun Alpha7, Alpha8 nice models are here.

Europe produces borne power amplifier in addition to the products, the main products are Germany, France, the Netherlands and other countries. German products because there are strict requirements on quality, so on the quality of its products and the United States, has a certain guarantee. It is also has a tone on tone color is pure, detail excellent characteristics. Borne power amplifier, France and Germany products have the same place, but made in Germany and France borne power amplifier is relatively rare in the country.

Borne power amplifier, made in the Dutch philips delegates, its products also have tone on tone color is pure, rich music taste characteristics. But as in recent years, philips will sound shift production to Japan and southeast Asia, therefore, have a Dutch native produce borne power amplifier does not see more, on the contrary, the key technology is provided by philips, appearance design, and made in Japan models appear constantly.

Now, therefore, philips products both in shape and tone with the flavor of some Japanese products, Ma Lanshi is also similar.

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