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The status quo and trend of development of new audio-visual media both at home

Release Date:[2013/8/31 11:31:08]    Total read [1750] Times

The audio-visual new media forms as a kind of relatively independent media, audio and video content as the core, with the help of the Internet and other new technology, has been and will continue to the existing media landscape. After ten years of development, our country the audio-visual new media to lead the user scale, rich variety of business forms and the industrial chain of each link multiple competition, realize the synchronous development with the audio-visual new media. At the same time, along with the audio-visual new media fusion, broadband, personalization, facilitation, generalization, and the development trend of legalization, the audio-visual new media in China will also have more favorable policy environment, technology environment and industrial prospects.

The definition of the concept of competition and diversified

In recent years, in China, for radio, film and television network, IP TV, mobile TV, Internet TV, public audio-visual vehicle, mobile multimedia broadcasting television as the representative of the audio-visual new media formats are flawed, vigorous development.

The scale of the world's leading new media users in our country

The audio-visual new media is the products of digital technology revolution and the media change trend. Based on the analysis of the international telecommunication union, by the end of 2010, the number of global Internet users, more than 2 billion cell phone users reached 5.3 billion, 3 g, the number of registered users reached 940 million. In our country, by the end of December 2010, the Chinese Internet users reached 457 million, 303 million mobile Internet users, are the highest in the world. Internet penetration rate climbed to 34.3%, more than the world average. Network audio-visual business growing rapidly, the current network music users reached 362 million, of 284 million network video users. Steadily push forward the IP TV business, by the end of 2010, the Shanghai station hundreds of vision of the company's size is close to 4 million subscribers for IP TV service. CCTV's IP TV business areas such as the official opening in kunming, yunnan, users taking shape. Mobile TV users rapid growth, the development of 3 g, the main window. Mobile multimedia broadcasting technology innovation, system innovation, operation innovation important breakthrough, present a broad prospects for development. Internet TV business, launching the stage in orderly development. Huge user community, as it were, for the development of China's new audio-visual media industry provides a strong customer base.

The audio-visual new media business is diverse

For audio-visual definition of new media, at present there are mainly two kinds of standards and methods: one is according to the technical breakthrough change, called on the basis of Internet audio-visual business form the audio-visual new media, including radio, film and television network, IP TV, Internet TV, mobile TV, etc.; Second, according to the change of time and space, in the last decade, significant change on communication space of audio-visual business called the audio-visual new media form. This paper adopts the second definition method, therefore, on the Chinese market at present the audio-visual new media form 6 kinds of business can be divided into two categories: one is focusing on the development of interactive audio-visual media, mainly based on the Internet and mobile communication network, including radio, film and television network, IP TV, mobile TV, Internet TV, etc.; Another kind is still the one-way transmission way, but accelerated the differentiation of transmission channels (terminal) and spread space is outspread, is mainly refers to the mobile multimedia broadcasting (CMMB) and various public audio-visual carrier. Of course, in the future, there may be a more new media business form. Compared with the traditional radio, film and television, the audio-visual new media has the following characteristics: audio-visual content form diversification and focus; Content source diversification; Content experience enrichment; Communication channels (terminal) are everywhere; A single channel (terminal) compatible with many functional; In the whole process of the higher interactivity.

The audio-visual new media industry is diverse competitive landscape

The audio-visual new media in the new media and traditional media, the fusion of media and communications, radio, film and television and the Internet development, with each passing day.

Content aspect, had formed a home-made, deposition, copyright purchase, users upload, multi-channel sources of cooperation integration. Traditional radio and television content to its character and credibility in the audio-visual new media has a powerful influence. Private institutions in the production and release of content to grow rapidly and become the active power of the audio-visual new media market.

Network services, radio and television network and telecommunication network system of technical strengths and its bearing new audio-visual media businesses also have their own characteristics. Broadcast networks is the foundation of broadcasting class audio-visual business network, and gradually become an important force in interactive class business. Telecommunication network in transmission audio-visual interactive class plays an important role in new business.

Terminal end products, to listen to the audio and video content, from a single function of television, radio, extensions to the Internet and other functions of the TV, computer, handheld terminals, and other electronic devices. With handset product types, among them the most abundant, including mobile phones, MP4, such as small tablets. The TV to the tablet, muti_function change direction development; Computer display terminals to the big screen, mobile direction; Handset to the direction of integration, intellectualization, platform, and development.

User consumption pattern, network video, music, mobile phones video and music, and users of public audio-visual carrier development is rapid, brings opportunity to the traditional radio, film and television, also poses a challenge. All kinds of the size of the audio-visual new media users increase significantly. Unlike traditional broadcast television single way of consumption, the audio-visual new media has formed a live, on-demand, back to see, search, online community consumption of a variety of ways. Profit model, in addition to the traditional advertising, monthly charge, pay-per-view, copyright marketing, parasitic mode, service hosting, offline activities and other marketing model, in a variety of audio and video have appeared in the new media form, and form a certain industry.

With the world hand in hand with the development of new audio-visual media

The development of China's new audio-visual media basic keep synchronous with the world. In recent years, China's network video is to maintain good development momentum. In 2010 China's online video advertising revenue in 2 billion yuan, while the number of network video users reached 284 million, becoming the world's largest single video user groups. In terms of IP TV development, Shanghai has become a IP TV users of the largest cities in the world. And China mobile multimedia broadcasting and television used CMMB standard with independent intellectual property rights, and the establishment of a unified national operating system, has initially formed with Chinese characteristics of mobile multimedia broadcasting television development model.

In China, because the market system and enterprise operation, the audio-visual new media present diversified trend of capital structure. Very active in this field, the risk investment. Venture capitalists are very bullish on the business at home and abroad, investment, in order to get a huge return on investment. China in 2008, the audio-visual new media investment and merger cases since December, involving more than $200 million. China private audio-visual new media enterprises with capital market got rapid development, the thunderbolt, such as big a batch of famous brand enterprises. China media, such as a number of companies have made landfall in overseas capital markets such as the nasdaq.

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