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From the diaoyu islands events associated with the domestic brand projection

Release Date:[2013/8/31 11:29:06]    Total read [4182] Times

After Japan has detained Chinese activists on the diaoyu islands in China, and insert the flag day song seriously damage China's territorial sovereignty. Sino-japanese relations deteriorated badly, in the face of this situation, the country people's patriotic spirit, inspire Beijing, Qingdao, guangzhou, shenzhen, hangzhou, Shanghai, chengdu, xian, the outbreak of anti-japanese demonstrations in several cities such as, at that time the patriotic anti-japanese demonstrations boycott Japanese goods. Strong even in the presence of some places battered Japanese goods such as irrational behavior, let whole anti-japanese atmosphere reached an unprecedented height.

From the diaoyu islands events associated with the domestic brand projection

For the Chinese themselves to hit the Chinese to buy Japanese goods the author thinks that this behavior is not desirable, because Chinese people money has fallen into a Japanese companies, so everyone's hit people to own property, such behavior will only make the Japanese more happy. Therefore, the author thinks that a boycott of Japanese goods not to blindly, but selective. We can in some industry market from now on, don't "pro-japanese", but the more choice on domestic brands or platform system, this may be a more rational behavior.

The domestic market of projection, for example, Japanese projection brand has always maintained a leading position for many years, for domestic projection brand and platform is a lot of pressure. But in recent years, Taiwan brand acer, benq, otto yards, lili, plus domestic national brand acto after continuous precipitation technology and brand, has been the rise of fast, has become the mainstream of the projector market brand.

"Elegant figure such as national brand product quality although very well, even in some better characteristics compared to the Japanese brand, but in many parts of the bidding procurement or difficult to into some purchasing people eyes, because in the eyes, think epson, Hitachi projection, such as the brand is the mainstream. The emergence of this situation, we were great." A often participate in the bidding agent said.

Some projection system and domestic brands of agents into an era of projection net friend said that actually sometimes doesn't expect some brand or the bid invitation unit favor domestic projection machine is a brand, but as long as give us a chance to shortlisted then comparison together, at least so that we can and Japanese projection brand have a positive opportunity to PK.

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